Sunday, March 7, 2010

Masoneria - Ukryte Siły 1939

Masoneria - Ukryte Siły 1939
Jest to najlepszy film, pozwalający zrozumieć, że masoneria naprawdę istnieje.
Po zakończeniu II wojny światowej autor scenariusza filmu, Jean-Marie Riviere, został uwięziony. Producent Robert Muzard i dyrektor artystyczny Paul Riche, zostali STRACENI (+1949), z powodu zaangażowania w powstanie filmu.

Tytuł oryginalny: Forces occultes. Kraj: Francja. Rok produkcji: 1941. Data premiery: 1943. Film czarno-biały. Oryginalne dialogi francuskie i polskie napisy.

Francuski film prezentujący historię młodego ambitnego parlamentarzysty, Pierre Avenel'a, który działając z czystych pobudek wiąże się z lożą Wielkiego Wschodu Francji. Po zostaniu masonem przekonuje się, że szczytne ideały, które organizacja głosi na zewnątrz, pozostają w głębokim kontraście do faktycznych działań Loży.

Po szczegółowo ukazanym wzniosłym misterium inicjacji, następuje prozaiczna i nader gorsząca rzeczywistość. Większość wolnomularzy to dyletanci i karierowicze, którym powiązania ze strukturami państwowymi pozwalają dokonywać kolejnych nadużyć. Sam bohater w bezceremonialny sposób wykorzystywany jest do różnych niewdzięcznych przysług.

W filmie przywołane są motywy konkretnych afer, które wstrząsały Francją w latach trzydziestych, ostatecznie doprowadzając do krwawych zamieszek 6 lutego 1934 r. W tym momencie władza pozostaje nadal w rękach masonerii, która kieruje pozornymi zmianami na arenie politycznej.

Pod koniec filmu, masoneria pragnie doprowadzić do wojny z Niemcami, jako państwem, które sprzeciwia się wolnomularskim porządkom.
Kiedy Avanel próbuje zerwać z wolnomularstwem, odważnie wypowiada swą krytykę na posiedzeniu loży i chce ujawnić publicznie masońskie plany, zostaje brutalnie wyeliminowany.

SIEGE - Warsaw 1939 = SIEGE Gaza free Palestine 2008

SIEGE - Warsaw 1939 = SIEGE Gaza free Palestine 2008
Released in February 1940, the first non-Nazi produced footage covering the start of World War II, the film became for many viewers their first glimpses into Nazi tactics, the first visual proof of the horrors of modern warfare.

When Germany invaded Poland in September 1939, the only American, and in fact the only neutral filmmaker in the country, was Julien Bryan. He arrived in Warsaw in early September with a cache of roughly an hour's worth of 35mm motion-picture negative. Given open access to the city by the mayor, he filmed day and night for two weeks, documenting Warsaw's destruction and Germany's inexorable advance. Back in New York he assembled the footage into a ten-minute newsreel called Siege.

Israeli bulldozer driver murders American peace activist
An ISM volunteer holds up Rachel Corrie's US passport as another peace activist sits in shock, Al-Najjar Hospital, Rafah, Occupied Gaza. Rachel was killed by an Israeli bulldozer driver while protesting the demolition of a Palestinian home. (Mohammad Al-Moghair)

On 16 March 2003 in Rafah, occupied Gaza, 23-year-old American peace activist Rachel Corrie from Olympia, Washington, was murdered by an Israeli bulldozer driver. Rachel was in Gaza opposing the bulldozing of a Palestinian home as a volunteer with the International Solidarity Movement.

Rachel and seven other ISM activists were in the Hi Es Salam area of Rafah, Gaza, trying to prevent the razing of Palestinian land and property. Present were two Israeli occupation army bulldozers and a tank. For a period of two hours, the activists played 'cat and mouse', attempting to prevent the illegal demolitions by physically blocking the passage of the two bulldozers.

An e-mailed report from the Palestine Monitor stated: Rachel Corrie (ISM Handout) "Rachel Corey [sic], 23 years old from the state of Washington, was killed while she was trying to prevent Israeli army bulldozers from destroying a Palestinian home. Other foreigners who were with her said the driver of the bulldozer was aware that Rachel was there, and continued to destroy the house. Initially he dropped sand and other heavy debris on her, then the bulldozer pushed her to the ground where it proceeded to drive over her, fracturing both of her arms, legs and skull. She was transferred to hospital, where she later died. Another foreigner was also injured in the attack and has been hospitalized - at this stage his nationality is unknown." (15 March 2003)

A press release from the International Solidarity Movement stated that: "Rachel had been staying in Palestinian homes threatened with illegal demolition, and today Rachel was standing with other non-violent international activists in front of a home scheduled for illegal demolition. According to witnesses, Rachel was run over twice by the Israeli military bulldozer in its process of demolishing the Palestinian home. Witnesses say that Rachel was clearly visible to the bulldozer driver, and was doing nothing to provoke an attack." (15 March 2003)

The photos below clearly show that Rachel was well marked, had a megaphone which removes any doubt that the activists' presence was somehow invisible to the driver, and she clearly posed no threat to the bulldozer driver.

Picture taken between 3:00-4:00PM, 16 March 2003, Rafah, Occupied Gaza. Rachel Corrie (L) and Nick (R) oppose the potential destruction of this home (to the west of the Doctor's home where Rachel was killed). In the instance pictured, the bulldozer did not stop and Rachel was pinned between the scooped earth and the fence behind her. On this occasion, the driver stopped before seriously injuring her. Photo by Joseph Smith (ISM Handout).

Picture taken between 3:00-4:00PM on 16 March 2003, Rafah, Occupied Gaza. A clearly marked Rachel Corrie, holding a megaphone, confronts the driver of one of two Israeli bulldozers in the area that were attempting to demolish a Palestinian homes. She was confronting the bulldozer in order to disrupt its work, and prevent it from threatening any homes. Photo by Joseph Smith. (ISM Handout)
Picture taken at 4:45PM on 16 March 2003, Rafah, Occupied Gaza. Other peace activists tend to Rachel after she was fatally injured by the driver of the Israeli bulldozer (in background). This photo was taken seconds after the bulldozer driver dragged his blade over her for the second time while reversingback over her body. He lifted the blade as seen in the photo only after he had dragged it back over Rachel's body. This image clearly shows that had he lifted his blade at any time he may have avoided killing her, as the bottom section of the bulldozer is raised off the ground. Photo by Richard Purssell. (ISM Handout)

Picture taken at 4:47PM on 16 March 2003, Rafah, Occupied Gaza. Rachel Corrie lies on the ground fatally injured by the Israeli bulldozer driver. Rachel's fellow activists have dug her a little out of the sand and are trying to keep her neck straight due to spinal injury. Photo by Joseph Smith. (ISM Handout)
Rachel in Najjar hostpital, Rafah, Occupied Gaza. Rachel arrived in the emergency room at 5:05PM and doctors scrambled to save her. By 5:20PM, she was gone. Ha'aretz newspaper reported that Dr. Ali Musa, a doctor at Al-Najjar, stated that the cause of death was "skull and chest fractures". (Mohammad Al-Moghair)

A later report from ISM Media Coordinator Michael Shaik in Beit Sahour offered more details about the events:

Gaza: The Killing Zone - Israel/Palestine

Baroness Tonge: "Israel stands accused of war crimes witnessed by the whole world
Baroness Tonge: My Lords, Tzipi Livni, the Israeli Foreign Minister, said that Israel would go wild in Gaza. They certainly did that, with the USA turning its usual blind eye. The UK and the European Union have behaved so feebly they were almost colluding in Israel's actions. Israel carefully excluded the press and media—evidence of guilt? But the UN, Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International all had people watching what was happening, as well as the Al-Jazeera cameras.

One charge I wish to make concerns the use of white phosphorus in residential areas, where many people were injured by this obscene material. It is a crime. The injuries sustained by burning phosphorus are horrible and the suffering is unthinkable. The Israelis also used 155mm shells in residential areas, able to do damage over a range of 300 metres. Yet, the Israelis assured us that they were accurately targeting only those areas with Hamas installations. Really? With a damage range of 300 metres? What lies. Both actions are against international law; they are war crimes. Many innocent civilians, many little children, have been killed by these obscenities.

Will the Minister assure us, therefore, that our Government and the European Union will not be content with Israeli offers of an inquiry into the behaviour of their military? There must be an independent investigation through the United Nations Security Council. Israel stands accused of war crimes, witnessed by the whole world. What hope for Israels long-term future now?

Baroness Tonge: אזור האדונים, ציפי לבני, את שר החוץ הישראלי, אמר כי ישראל ללכת פרוע בעזה. הם בהחלט עשו את זה, יחד עם ארה"ב הופך את הרגילים עיוור עיניים. בריטניה והאיחוד האירופי צריכים feebly נהגה כך שהם כמעט colluding מעשיה של ישראל. ישראל הוצא בזהירות את העיתונות והמדיה-ראיות של אשמה? אבל האו"ם, זכויות האדם אמנסטי אינטרנשיונל שעונים ואת כל האנשים שהיו צופה מה קורה, כמו גם אל-Jazeera המצלמות.

תשלום אחד אני רוצה להפוך את השימוש חששות לבן זרחן באזורי מגורים, שבו אנשים רבים נפגעו על ידי זה חומר מגונה. זהו פשע. פציעות מתקבלת על ידי שריפת זרחן הן נורא ואת הסבל היא שאין להעלות על הדעת. הישראלים גם בשימוש 155mm פגזים באזורי מגורים, יכולים לעשות נזק על פני טווח של 300 מטר. עם זאת, הישראלים מובטח לנו כי הם היו בדיוק הכוונה רק באותם אזורים עם חמאס התקנות. באמת? עם טווח פגיעה של 300 מטר? מה שקרים. שתי פעולות נגד החוק הבינלאומי; הם פשעי מלחמה. הרבה אזרחים חפים מפשע, ילדים קטנים רבים, היה נהרג על ידי אלה obscenities.

האם הממשלה מבטיח לנו, אפוא, כי הממשלה שלנו והאיחוד האירופי לא יהיה תוכן ישראלי מציע של חקירה לתוך התנהגות של צבא? יש לאפשר חקירה עצמאית של האו"ם באמצעות מועצת הביטחון. ישראל עומדת נאשמים פשעי מלחמה, עדים על ידי כל העולם. מה התקווה Israels לטווח ארוך בעתיד עכשיו?

"Israel was born out of Jewish Terrorism" Tzipi Livnis Father was a Terrorist" Astonishing claims in the House of Parliament. SIR Gerald Kaufman, the veteran Labour MP, yesterday compared the actions of Israeli troops in Gaza to the Nazis who forced his family to flee Poland.

During a Commons debate on the fighting in Gaza, he urged the government to impose an arms embargo on Israel.

Sir Gerald, who was brought up as an orthodox Jew and Zionist, said: "My grandmother was ill in bed when the Nazis came to her home town a German soldier shot her dead in her bed.

"My grandmother did not die to provide cover for Israeli soldiers murdering Palestinian grandmothers in Gaza. The present Israeli government ruthlessly and cynically exploits the continuing guilt from gentiles over the slaughter of Jews in the Holocaust as justification for their murder of Palestinians."

He said the claim that many of the Palestinian victims were militants "was the reply of the Nazi" and added: "I suppose the Jews fighting for their lives in the Warsaw ghetto could have been dismissed as militants."

He accused the Israeli government of seeking "conquest" and added: "

Saturday, March 6, 2010

dr Migalski o Radosławie Sikorskim. dr Migalski o Radosławie Sikorskim " nie dorosl aby piastowac stanowisko Prezydenta Polski

dr Migalski o Radosławie Sikorskim. dr Migalski o Radosławie Sikorskim " nie dorosl aby piastowac stanowisko Prezydenta Polski

Sikorski Zablokowal ten fim o historii
Upside Down – “Polskie obozy Śmierci” cz.I

Film Upside Down-(Do góry nogami) ukazuje brak wiedzy i nieświadomość światowej opinii publicznej używającej określenia „polskie obozy koncentracyjne, w odniesieniu do obozów zorganizowanych przez Niemców na okupowanych ziemiach polskich. Film powstał z inicjatywy kanadyjskiej Polonii przy wsparciu finansowym Ministerstwa Spraw Zagranicznych (i osobiście Anny Fotygi), które na ten cel przeznaczyło 250 tysięcy złotych.

Monday, March 1, 2010


Pan Piotr Szubarczyk, pracownik Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej w Gdańsku, podaje nazwiska morderców z Urzędu Bezpieczeństwa, komunistycznego sądownictwa i prokuratury odpowiedzialnych za śmierć INKI, zbrodniarzy bezkarnych do dziś...
Fragment reportażu poświęconego pamięci Danuty Siedzikówny Inki, zrealizowanego i wyemitowanego przez TV Trwam w 2007 roku.